Stacey and I are gradually finding the interesting places to eat in San Jose. We very much like Falafel's Drive-In (yes, Falafel's, as if Falafel owned the drive-in, which he does not), which is entertaining partly because of the novelty of a drive-in Middle Eastern restaurant, partly because of its flashy sign, and partly because the food is just good. They throw a little of a delicious thick chili sauce on their hummus -- yum! -- and their gyros are more like meatballs than that greasy, crusty pressed-meat weirdness you usually get (which, don't get me wrong, I love -- but this tastes more like real food).
I am also including a picture of the 20-foot statue that guards Babe's and Lightning Muffler Service on our street, where Stacey recently had our car serviced. Why? Because it's just weird. That's a golf club he has in his hands, by the way. I don't know what that has to do with mufflers, but when I walk by Babe on my way to the train station, it looks like he's going to whack me with it.

Hi, Amy! Long time, no talk! It's been fun reading your blog. :)
I had to comment on the Babe thing. Could it be that the muffler place has confused their folk stories? Wasn't it Paul Bunyon and Babe the Blue Ox (See exhibit A: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Bunyon. FYI, the pic of Paul and Babe half-ways down the page from Bemidji MN? That's where I went to French Camp.) And possibly they confused Paul's plus-sized ax with a golf club? In any case, I feel like someone somewhere should be severely indignant.
Actually, I've since realized it's a hockey stick, not a golf club. But yes, I think they may have their folk stories a bit confused! Whoever wants to be indignant, it won't be me. They fixed Stacey's muffler for $40 when they could have charged us much more and we would have dumbly paid it. So they can do whatever they want with folk stories! :)
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