Stacey and I left San Jose this morning and drove about twelve hours to Salt Lake City, Utah. This is one of the longest days of our trip and was uneventful. Good weather, no traffic (although we did see the aftermath of this fatal bus accident). Here are some pictures from our trip (all taken from the moving car, so nothing fancy).
Sierra Nevadas, possibly near Truckee, California. Scout did not enjoy the mountains, howling the whole way through. Otherwise she was fine and slept the rest of the way. We remembered today that she was unhappy the last time we drove through the Sierra Nevadas, and realized it might be an altitude thing. Can cats' ears pop?
Nevada, somewhere east of Elko. I didn't remember northern Nevada having so many mountains. Maybe they stood out this time because they still have snow on them!
You know you're approaching Utah when you drive over a hill and suddenly, instead of desert brush, you see a white strip on the horizon: salt flats!

We're getting ready for a good night's sleep (we hope) in preparation for another long day tomorrow. We'll try to keep you posted!
I will be happy when the last entry of this trip has been entered! Be safe, drive you both!
How about Redux, it was good enough for Updike.
Tell Scout that we watched To Kill A Mockingbird last night. She was great.
Doesn't sound like you had a very good night's sleep. Hope you made good progress today and avoided the snow banks.
Love, Sue
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